Now when i saw the early trailers for this movie, i'll admit i was intrigued, and for all the wrong reasons. It was just Will Smith walking around looking sad and a whole bunch of random stuff thrown around, but i had no idea what kind of movie i was in store for. Its a very hard movie to understand and an even harder movie to try to explain, the storyline is convuluted and jumps back and forth to multiple side storylines and in time. Now the Character Will Smith plays is Ben Thomas, a man walking around trying to help multiple people for reasons unknown to the audience. The mystery of why hes doing this was quite the good mystery, though i will admit that i figured some of it out by the middle of the movie. Will Smith plays a character that was suppoused to be so good so heroic, but i just found him to be dull. Another good point in the movie were Rosario Dawson and Woody Harrelson, they both brought life to characters that i would have otherwise found dull. A problem i had was that this movie, was that Ben's "plan" in the movie is so complicated and the movie itself runs around in circles and throws science and common sensse out the window. This movie is a lifetime original movie that somehow managed to get an A-list cast. So in conclusion, Will smith failed to bring his character to life in this purposless movie that despite a strong suppourting cast a gripping mystery, and some great character moments failed to do nothing but depress and confuse everyone in the movie theatre. If you need a downer check it out, otherwise wait until dvd or till its on tv, there is no reason to see this in the movie theatre
I give it 2 out of 5 stars
This film could of been better if you were maybe a "different" person. It's a character driven story and Ben Thomas is not your "usual" character. I could feel myself in Ben Thomas's shoes and maybe that is why I thought it was great. A Movie like Spiderman for example, takes the typical high school geek, who many people can relate to and turns him into the Spiderman. People may like this movie because you kind of get a thought of, "Hey, maybe this can happen to me?" They can also like the movie for other reasons, but I believe Seven Pounds does this as well. This might sound unbelievable, but I think the film tries to enlighten its audience, although it might seem otherwise. I admit this film is a downer, but an emotional downer. If you liked this film, I recommend "The Pursuit of Happiness." A better film in my eyes. It is definitely one of the better films in the theater now. I give it a 3 and 1/2 out 5 stars, maybe even a 4 out of 5.