Monday, August 10, 2009
G.I. Joe Rise Of Cobra Review
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Deadpool Wins!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Comic Books That Came From The Floor Reviews #1
Ok first up Is Xmen Magneto testament collection Written By Greg Pak and Illustrated By Carmine Di Giandomenico

Final crisis...was interesting..It had alot of intense and complelling ideas, but the execution was done poorly. It was written by Grant Morrison who is a fantasic writer and any who dont belive me should go out and read the three volumes of Animal Man he wrote, but with this story he writes using the same craziness that made me like Animal Man but writes Final Crisis very choppy and jumpy, what i mean is it jumps from scene to scene with little or no explaination. Basically a villian known as Darkseid takes over the earth and its the "last fight of humanity", and alot of insanity follows, everything from a visit to limbo, an alien vampire, deaths of major superheroes, a battle of talking tigers, a return of a major superhero, cavemen, batman with a gun, a god machine and so much craziness i could list stuff like this all day, i enjoyed this because of my encyclopedic knowledge of the dc universe, but stuff like the quick scene jumping and the changing artists during the comic series aggrivated me, but overall i enjoyed the abstract ideas and some scenes were touching to longtime readers like me but i can only recomend it to someone who has a vast knowledge of the dc universe and in the mood for a crazy unique story, just dont expect to understand it all on first took me three times..After multiple readings i give this a rating of 3 and a half out of 5 stars only if you fit the criteria above.
Back from The Dead
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Seven Pounds Movie Review
Now when i saw the early trailers for this movie, i'll admit i was intrigued, and for all the wrong reasons. It was just Will Smith walking around looking sad and a whole bunch of random stuff thrown around, but i had no idea what kind of movie i was in store for. Its a very hard movie to understand and an even harder movie to try to explain, the storyline is convuluted and jumps back and forth to multiple side storylines and in time. Now the Character Will Smith plays is Ben Thomas, a man walking around trying to help multiple people for reasons unknown to the audience. The mystery of why hes doing this was quite the good mystery, though i will admit that i figured some of it out by the middle of the movie. Will Smith plays a character that was suppoused to be so good so heroic, but i just found him to be dull. Another good point in the movie were Rosario Dawson and Woody Harrelson, they both brought life to characters that i would have otherwise found dull. A problem i had was that this movie, was that Ben's "plan" in the movie is so complicated and the movie itself runs around in circles and throws science and common sensse out the window. This movie is a lifetime original movie that somehow managed to get an A-list cast. So in conclusion, Will smith failed to bring his character to life in this purposless movie that despite a strong suppourting cast a gripping mystery, and some great character moments failed to do nothing but depress and confuse everyone in the movie theatre. If you need a downer check it out, otherwise wait until dvd or till its on tv, there is no reason to see this in the movie theatre
I give it 2 out of 5 stars
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Underrated comic book characters #1: Hank pym
Who is he: In 1962, during the silver age of comics, Hank Pym debuted created by Stan Lee and Jack kirby. Originally He was just in a one shot issue about a man who shrunk himself into an anthill. But Soon he appeared in a costumed suit and a giant helmet and became "Ant-Man"
He could shrink down to the size of ants, he could command them and he could ride them and became a founding member of the Avengers,
but soon enough his name changed to Giant-man, and his power to shrink became the power to grow, and that started a trend of many diffrent aliases that he would have over the years including "Yellowjacket, Goliath, The Wasp and Doctor Pym"
Why is he underrated: Well... Heres the tricky part,future writers after Stan Lee wrote Hank Pym as mentally unstable, though it did make him more interesting as a character it led to him having mental breakdowns, turning against the Avengers on multiple occasions and creating the robot Ultron that would become a major villian of The Avengers and he even hit his girlfriend Janet, also known as the first Wasp(he would later take the title Wasp after her death in her honor). Because of these actions he has become irredemable in many readers eyes. Now, i do not condone these actions at all but readers and characters inside the comic alike labelled him "a wife beater" even though he only hit her once and was in a mentally unstable period, while i do not believe that this excuses his actions, but he has helped saved the world countless times yet isnt labelled as a "world saver" it just seems like a double standard to me, and because of these actions, Hank Pym has been a background character for many years, only recent writers have decided to bring him to the forefront on the Mighty Avengers title, though he is being used i still feel he is underrated because he is most likely the least known of Stan lee's major creations of the silver age with characters such as spiderman, the hulk, silver surfer, thor, iron man and the fantastic four as household names.
So I really hope the character is better used, i mean he is one of the few comic book characters that has to deal with valid mental disorders, and i believe that makes him interesting. There is also apprently an "Ant-man" movie in the works from Edgar Wright(Shaun of the dead and Hot Fuzz), so maybe the smallest smartest insane person in the room will finally get the reconigition i believe he deserves
Here is Hank Pym in his most recent costume as The Wasp
For further reading on Hank Pym, I suggest
His wikipedia page here
Check out the monthly title "Mighty Avengers" starting this month
or check out any of the following links on amazon.
Essential Ant Man Vol 1.(only Volume though)
Essential Avengers Vol 1.
Avengers: Ultron Unlimited
But That's All So Until Next Time, I Will Be Lost In Thought-Alex
Chase Me
(wow, two batman posts in a row... NERD ALERT>>>NERD ALERT...)